
A stock photo of a geothermal map of the world. A stock photo of a geothermal map of the world.

Master of Science in Data Science

The M.S. in Data Science curriculum consists of four components: core courses, data science tools courses, data science applications courses, and an internship or capstone project. Students must complete at least 30 credits of graduate level courses to complete the degree. Their advisor must approve each student’s selection of courses.

The core courses and the Data Science Tool courses are discipline independent courses that teach the fundamental skills of data science. The Data Science Applications courses are specific to the various interdisciplinary domains supporting the program. Each academic unit offers courses relevant to their discipline, and students who are focused on applications will be advised to take a selection of courses that develops skills in one application area.

The internship or capstone project may be taken for 3 or 6 credits, depending on the scope of the project. Available internships span a variety of disciplines in data science, many of which are offered through the Miami Institute for Data Science and Computing’s Industrial Advisory Board.  Projects are done within one or two semesters, supervised by a faculty in an appropriate academic unit within the program. The project culminates with a report detailing the work done and knowledge gained, and a presentation to faculty and students in the program.

Technical Prerequisites

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  • Prerequisites

    Applicants may come from any undergraduate major. However, they will be expected to have taken and passed a course in Linear Algebra, Statistics and Probability, and Programming. Coursera completions are accepted.


The M.S. in Data Science has four available concentrations.  However, declaring a concentration is not required.  For students who elect not to declare a concentration, the plan of study is as follows:

Accordion Group

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  • Core - 9 Credits

    • 3 credits in Machine Learning or Data Mining
    • 3 credits in Data Visualization
    • 3 credits in Statistics

  • Data Science Tools - 12 Credits

    • 3 credits in Programming 
    • 9 credits in Database Systems, Data Visualization, Machine Learning and Data Mining, or Mathematics and Statistics

  • Data Science Applications - 6-9 Credits

    At least 6 credits must be taken in specified data science applications courses.

  • Internship or Capstone - 3-6 Credits

    Internship: The student will work with an advisor and internship supervisor to determine the scope of the internship. The internship culminates in a report detailing the work done and knowledge gained.

    CapstoneTo complete the capstone, the student will work with their academic advisor on various project options to assist with their academic and career goals.


The Master of Science in Data Science (MSDS) program offers four areas of concentration for students wishing to narrow their field of study. Click here to learn more.
